Working early with a precast consultant during the design phases of new projects
Credit: Original article published here.
When deciding on building types it is always good to consider what kind of up front support you will get in the design and development phase with your chosen building materials. Your local precast provider is always a good resource to tap for assistance in specification writing, color and texture samples, details, and panel layout assistance. Helping assist in these items up front allows the architect to focus on other items knowing they will get the assistance they need when presenting questions. Having all these items taken care of up front provides a smoother bidding process with less addendums and clarifications needed during the bidding process.
Specification Writing
Wells Concrete offers specifications on our website that allow you to edit and change whatever information you want specifically for your project. This ensures that at the time of bid everyone is bidding what is required and all bid pricing is comparable amongst bidders. Taking the guess work out of what is included in a number and what is not included in a number allows the contractor to focus on other areas such as project release, schedules, and also reduces the amount of potential change orders throughout the project
Color and Texture Samples
Lead time on building materials is part of the manufacturing process. Working with your local precast manufacture up front on samples allows the design team and ownership group to stay aware of what they are specifically getting and enables the architect to complete their exterior design concepts, incorporating these chosen materials, and finishes. Having this information pre-determined and specified during the bid process ensures that the precast manufacturer chosen has bid the correct mix designs, finishes, and building materials for the project. These steps give confidence to the design team and ownership group that these are comparable bids, and that they will receive what is specified. Visit with your local precast consultant or visit a manufacturing plant in your area to understand the finishing colors and capabilities that are available to you to determine these specific precast samples.
Details are critical and the project design teams are not expected to know all the precast details. Wells Concrete offers a wide variety of details for all product types on our website. You can also contact your local sales representative to acquire these details to ensure the bid drawings incorporate correct details and manufacturing capabilities.
Panel Layout Assistance
Working with your local precast consultant during the design phase for panel layout and finishing capabilities is critical to ensure the design team gets the look they desire and these chosen items can be successfully achieved by the precast manufacture.
Wells Concrete is always there to help in the design phase and appreciates when precast is the chosen building material on projects. We offer these design assist services up at no charge because we believe in what we are selling and are passionate with what we do. As a leader in the industry we want to make sure that everyone involved in the project is happy, excited, and proud with the new building they are about to occupy.
Scott Monzelowsky | Sales
MOBILE 218-779-9098