WA100 Live 2024 Webinar: Exploring the Impact of AI on Architecture

AECbytes BlogAECbytes Blog, External News

Similar to last year when I attended and wrote about a World Architecture 100 (WA100) Live webinar focused on technology, I attended a similar webinar this year which discussed how AI (Artificial Intelligence) was impacting the architecture sector. While it is still relatively early days for AI in design, it was very interesting and insightful to hear the perspectives of …

Dusty Robotics in Action

AECbytes BlogAECbytes Blog, External News

Towards the end of last year, I had the opportunity to visit a construction site that was using technology from a company called Dusty Robotics. As the name suggests, the company makes robots, not for tasks that we typically associate with robots such as manufacturing prefabricated components or even for automating tasks for onsite construction such as rebar tying, but …

SpeckleCon 2023: AEC Implementations and Speckle Add-ons

AECbytes BlogAECbytes Blog, External News

Last month, I provided an overview of the latest technology developments of the Speckle platform that were shared by the Speckle team at the recently held SpeckleCon 2023 online event. Speckle is an open-source AEC technology cloud platform that uses cutting-edge database technology — instead of a file format — to create an open central repository for AEC project data, …

Customer Presentations from Graphisoft Learn 2023 Event

AECbytes BlogAECbytes Blog, External News

This article captures the highlights of the customer presentations from Graphisoft’s recent Building Together Learn event that focused on three critical areas of AEC technology: data-driven design, design collaboration, and the use of VR for design and visualization. The firms sharing their stories came from different parts of the world and were therefore able to provide a fascinating glimpse at …

SpeckleCon 2023

AECbytes BlogAECbytes Blog, External News

This article provides an overview of the 2023 SpeckleCon conference held last month, which showcased the latest technology developments of the Speckle platform, including a brand-new Automate tool for automating repetitive tasks in AEC. Speckle is a radically different approach to AEC technology — it stores project data in an open database rather than a traditional file, providing not only …