SEE Program Update

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Credit: Original article published here.

In late 2017 Wells rolled out a Safety “best practice” that was originally pioneered by Clark Pacific, a California based precast company that had become an industry leader in worker safety. The Wells initiative was called the SEE Program, or Safety Enhancement Efforts Program. Its focus was simple; ask plant and field employees to look for job hazards and address them, either by taking corrective action then and there or by alerting a supervisor to the hazard. Additionally, we asked the employee/supervisor to document the hazard (and the fix) in “real time” by completing a simple hazard alert form. The form was web enabled, so the appropriate people were instantaneously alerted.

The form is at the bottom of the page on our website:

Empowering all employees to identify safety hazards and address them is the key to successfully securing a safe workplace. Over the past 14 months employees at all levels have used the SEE program to identify and address potential hazards ranging from missing personal protective equipment to equipment malfunctioning. In addition to identifying hazards, employees and supervisors have also used the Program to recognize employees who have been proactive in exercising safe work practices.

Has it worked? Yes. Generally speaking, as SEE observations increase we see a reduction in OSHA recordable injuries. While that shouldn’t be too surprising, what is important is to continue to be vigilant in the recognition of workplace hazards and addressing them on an ongoing basis. The SEE Program was designed to support and ingrain that ongoing vigilance.

Mark Del Vecchio
VP – HR, Safety and Health

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